Are you wondering how much your injury case is worth? Watch this video to learn about personal injury case value in New York.
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How much is my personal injury case worth?
You may be wondering what the value of your case is and what determines the value of your case. That really depends on the timing of the question to tell you what the answer is, but the things we need to consider are the extent of the injury, and whether the injury is permanent in nature, and that takes time. It’s probably easier to give you an answer relevant to the question after you’ve gone through the healing process.
Another important issue is who caused the injury. That will come into play. Another important factor is being able to prove that the injury was caused by the ones who we are accusing of causing the injury. For example, if it’s a trip and fall on a sidewalk, are we able to show that that sidewalk was defective prior to your accident, and that the property owner adjacent to the sidewalk was responsible for repairing that sidewalk but didn’t do it? These are the factors that go into play when making a determination as to how much your case is worth.
Were you or a loved one seriously injured and have questions about how much your case is worth? Contact our New York personal injury lawyer at The Law Offices of Brian J. Elbaum today for a free confidential consultation. Let our experience work for you.
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