If you are suspecting clergy abuse has been perpetrated on your child, please contact our experienced attorneys right away. Free consultation available.
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What should I do if I suspect my child has been abused by a clergy member?
Are you concerned that your child is a victim of sexual abuse at the hand of a priest? What you need to do is to start off by having your child evaluated by a competent psychologist to find out what might be going on that he or she may not be telling you. If this is something that is going on now, you may want to go to the school where your child goes and find out if there’s anything going on that you need to know about. If it turns out that there may be sexual abuse, you should seek the attention of competent counsel who can evaluate the claim and see what can be done to compensate your child for what he or she has suffered.
Are you suspecting that your child or a loved one has been the victim of clergy sex abuse? Contact our New York child abuse lawyer at The Law Offices of Brian J. Elbaum today for a free confidential consultation. Let our experience work for you.
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