Watch this video to find out what’s important to know when choosing a child abuse lawyer in New York. Call today for a free consultation.
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What should I look for when choosing a child abuse lawyer?
Have you or a loved one suffered from sexual abuse at the hands of a clergy or priest? Your question probably is, “How do I know who to hire as my attorney?” You want a competent attorney who knows how to litigate in the area of civil litigation of personal injury, because that’s the type of case that this is. You’re looking to get financial compensation for what you or your loved one had to go through. You should sit down with the attorney and interview them. You want to make sure that you have a good feeling about that attorney because it’s important to feel comfortable. You want to ask the questions about the experience of the attorney.
Sometimes it’s better to stay with a small firm versus a large firm. A lot of the large firms have paralegals or legal assistants who are assigned to a client, and you’ll only get that legal assistant or paralegal. You never really spend any time with the attorney. With a smaller firm, there’s a good chance you’re going to have a one-on-one with the attorney on a regular basis, and that attorney will answer the questions that you need answered as you navigate through the process.
Were you or a loved one abused by a priest or clergy member and have questions about choosing a child abuse lawyer? Contact our New York clergy abuse lawyer at The Law Offices of Brian J. Elbaum today for a free confidential consultation. Let our experience work for you.
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